Hi, I’m Kim, and I’m a Food Allergy Mom.
Let me be clear: This is a club NO ONE wants to be a part of, but those of us who are in this club? We love our children fiercely – just like any other mom! – and we would do anything to protect our children. We’ve dealt with scary, life-threatening reactions. We carry Epi-pens, read every label, and call companies to ask about labeling policies, manufacturing processes, and what, exactly, is in those “natural flavors.” We wipe away tears (too many tears!) as our children experience being left out, dealing with situations that make them scared, and absorbing unkind words from people who don’t understand. We stay up until midnight making birthday cupcakes when it’s not even OUR child’s birthday.
My family deals with multiple severe food allergies. Since we’ve started this journey, we’ve been through a lot. We’ve had to learn all about food allergies and labeling laws. We’ve had to figure out just what we CAN eat. We’ve had to figure out how to educate our families, friends, and schools. We’ve had to learn our limits, unfortunately too often the hard way, as far as what we can safely do. We’ve had to learn to be very clear and blunt about our needs and throw the concept of “awkward” right out the window. We’ve had to learn to accept our limitations and try our best to live life to the fullest the best we can.
So why this blog? Part of the reason I started this is to share and commiserate with other families who are on the same journey. Another reason I’m writing this is because so many people who do not deal with food allergies show so much curiosity about how we live our lives. I’d like to help people who are curious understand what it’s like to live with food allergies and how they can help.
My youngest child, after being diagnosed with multiple food allergies, all too often would hear people tell her to her face that she’s “allergic to everything.” Later, with concerned, wide eyes, she’d ask, “Am I awergic to everyfing, Mama?”
My answer: “No, honey. There is still plenty you can eat, and you’re not allergic to the most important things in life. You’re not allergic to smiles or love or hugs. And you’re not allergic to fun.”